Day 6 | Balance


Water trickles down from above. We all run, smiling, shouting, laughing. We dance underneath the salty drops, twirling and running. The cool liquid gliding over our bodies, providing relief from the beating sun and dry, hot sand. We run to grab buckets to capture it. Nonstop laughing, smiling, twirling, dancing. Happiness.

Interview 4: Skip

“I think you really start to see physically how wasteful my lifestyle has been and for most Americans their lifestyles are. And because of social construct and norms and what’s acceptable, smell, sight, we live a wasteful lifestyle when it comes to water.”

-What is your definition of happiness?

“I feel like I’ve been trying to figure this out for a long time now, as in I haven’t. It’s this feeling when, I don’t know how to explain it, it’s when everything comes together and everything is right. There is this balance when you are content.”

-What makes you happy?

“All the hard hitting questions! What really makes me happy is other people’s happiness. And I think that comes through on this, maybe a balance, when you can just be and I’m a worrier and I don’t have to worry so much and I can just be in that moment.”

-What physical objects or technologies affect your happiness and why?

“I have a blanket, I liked being snuggled, or swaddled really. Facetime/skype/video chatting. My family makes me really happy and being able to contact them and see them, especially my nephew. I like when things work out.”

-Has limited access to water affected your overall state of happiness and if so, how?

“No. I feel like I so far have an abundance of water, but I would say that I don’t think I feel like I’m at the height of my energy levels, so there hasn’t been a huge need for water.”

-What is one thing you wish you could do right now that you feel would bring you happiness, but you are currently unable to do it because of your environment or access to water?

“I’d really like to make something. And I don’t think its access to water, I think it’s more time. “

-How has your happiness changed since you have been here?

“I think it’s on a wave. Good times, bad times, ups and downs.”

-As of 2023, the extreme water regulations are newer to the United States population, yet in other cultures and communities around the world, the energy required for securing and maintaining water is consistently this difficult, if not more. How has this experience allowed you to empathize and think about other areas and cultures of people that have such limited access to water or has it?

“I think I really start to see physically how wasteful my lifestyle has been and for most Americans their lifestyles are. And because of social constructs and norms and what’s acceptable, smell, sight, we live a wasteful lifestyle when it comes to water, how often you bath, flush, etc..”

-What or who has provided you comfort and happiness while being here?

“Um, I definitely would say I’m comfortable having the group here. I really life community and being around people. Each individual person has brought something out in their own way. Jack is a good friend of mine. She knows my moods and when I need to talk but I’m not, so that’s been nice.”

-Can you tell me anything else about your current state of happiness?

“It’s been pretty stressful the last couple months with things, so I’m coming down from that. I’m waiting to get into a rhythm here in order to relax and reflect.”

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