Day 10 | Guests


A few nights ago we had three guests come to drylab. They were members of the Feral Exchange Network. A group of rebel travellers who fly under the radar of governments, allotting a space in their suitcase for goods that will be given or traded along their route. The rules of the Feral Exchange are that the goods must be carried with them and given in-person They offered us treats for gifts or for barter such as dark chocolate, apples, coffee, smoked salmon, and cheese. These luxury items that we no longer have access to under our water restrictions. In exchange, I gave each of the guests a bracelet I made from hemp rope and plastic beads that I created from water bottle waste in the desert. Two of the other women offered a sketch and print they had created. After dinner, we had a cheese plate for everyone to share and we talked about their work and our time here. It was so nice to have guests, to talk, laugh, and to indulge in some foods and drinks that are usually restricted. Before drylab, these foods and drinks were always available to me. Whenever I wanted them, I could go to the store and pick them up. Having them the other night, after a week of not having access, it made the food and occasion more special. Our guests’ visit will continue to be a happy highlight from our time here in the desert.

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